Because of all of the information circulating in the news about health care and who should get it, what it should include, etc., many news stations and newspapers have reported on the costs of over the counter and prescription drugs in today’s world. quoted Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of the Washington-D.C.-based Public Citizen's Health Research Group in the article “Generic Drugs: Dangerous Differences?” saying "The FDA already looked into this and concluded that the generic version of the drug was equivalent to the brand name," said Dr. Sidney Wolfe. "The FDA requirements include measuring blood levels in patients using the drug, the only reliable way to examine bioequivalence. looked, I believe, only at test tube dissolution, which is not sufficient."
In other news, quoted Dr. Aaron Kesselheim of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston in the “Study: Brand Name Heart Drugs No Better than Generic”. "Brand-name drugs for cardiovascular disease can be as much as a few dollars a pill, whereas generic drugs might be as little as a few cents a pill," said Dr. Aaron Kesselheim who led the study.
And finally, in their article, “Helped by Generics, Inflation of Drug Cost Slows”, the New York Times said, “Economists say the slowdown has come about because more people are turning to generics and because generic versions of some of the most common drugs have recently come on the market.”
Basically, more and more information is available to the public, it’s just up to them to utilize their resources and start saving themselves money when it’s at all possible.
**To read more on these articles and see where this information was attained please visit the links below**
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